The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet advises motorists of daytime closures along KY 3390 in Johnson County for embankment repairs. The work site is located at mile point 2.3 (2.3 miles North of KY 40) in the Hammond/Whitehouse Rd area.
Crews will work Monday, May 20, and Tuesday, May 21, repairing embankments. Due to the narrow road widths and size of the equipment needed for this type of repair, KY 3390 will be closed daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Motorists will be able to access the work zone on either side but will not be able to cross. School buses and emergency vehicles will be accommodated, but all others will need to use an alternate route during working hours. Please watch for signage and crew in and around the work zone.
Nattco, Inc. will be performing the work. Work schedules are based on weather conditions.